1. Home

  2. Services

    1. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
      1. ADHD medication shortage
      2. Waiting times
      3. What we offer
      4. While you wait
      5. Who we help
        1. Children and young people
        2. Parents and carers
        3. Schools
        4. Professionals
      6. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
      7. Our boroughs
        1. Wandsworth
        2. Merton
        3. Richmond
        4. Sutton
        5. Kingston
      8. Inpatient services
      9. Specialist services
      10. Referrals
      11. Education wellbeing service
      12. CAMHS resources
    2. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder
      1. OCD: a professionals' guide
    3. Ethnicity in Mental Health Improvement Project
      1. Home Placement Project
    4. Deaf services
      1. National Deaf Adult Mental Health Services
      2. National Deaf Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
      3. Our locations
      4. Resources
      5. Interpreters
    5. Complex care
      1. Sutton and Merton Complex Needs Service
    6. Forensic services
    7. Neuropsychiatry
    8. Our staff
    9. Recovery College
      1. What is recovery?
      2. About Recovery College
      3. About our courses
        1. How to register
        2. Timetable
      4. E-learning hub
        1. Podcasts and audio guides
        2. Videos
        3. Course downloads
        4. Useful resources
      5. Frequently asked questions
      6. Contact us
    10. Talking Therapies
      1. Wandsworth Talking Therapies
        1. What to expect
          1. Your assessment
          2. Your individual treatment
          3. Your group treatment
          4. Long-term physical health conditions
          5. Our digital partners
        2. How we help
        3. While you wait
        4. Self-referral
        5. GP/Professionals
        6. Your stories
        7. Useful resources
        8. Frequently Asked Questions
        9. Join our team
        10. Contact us
      2. Merton Talking Therapies
        1. Self-referral
        2. What to expect
          1. Your assessment
          2. Your individual treatment
          3. Your group treatment
          4. Long-term physical health conditions
          5. Our digital partners
        3. How we help
        4. While you wait
        5. GP/Professionals
        6. Your stories
        7. Useful resources
        8. Frequently Asked Questions
        9. Join our team
        10. Contact us
      3. Sutton Talking Therapies
        1. Self-referral
        2. What to expect
          1. Your assessment
          2. Your individual treatment
          3. Your group treatment
          4. Long-term physical health conditions
          5. Our digital partners
        3. How we help
        4. While you wait
        5. GP/Professionals
        6. Your stories
        7. Useful resources
        8. Frequently Asked Questions
        9. Join our team
        10. Contact us
      4. Kingston Talking Therapies
        1. What we offer
        2. Referrals
        3. Crisis support
        4. Your stories
        5. Workshops
          1. Long COVID
          2. Mums in mind
          3. Understanding depression
          4. Living with pain
          5. Stress Management
          6. Feeling Good Group
          7. Overcoming low self-esteem course
        6. While you wait
        7. Useful resources
        8. Frequently Asked Questions
        9. Join our team
        10. Contact us
    11. Traumatic Stress Service
  3. Patients and carers

    1. Advice and support
    2. Advocacy Services
    3. Dignity and privacy
    4. Information for carers, friends and families
      1. Support for carers
      2. Support for younger carers
      3. Carers of Deaf children
      4. Carer's assessment
      5. Carers and confidentiality
    5. Overseas visitors
    6. Planning your care and support
    7. Self-care
    8. Mental Health Act
    9. Understanding mental health jargon
    10. What happens if I need to go into hospital?
    11. Your appointment
    12. Your feedback
    13. Your health records
  4. About Us

    1. Better Communities
      1. Better Care
        1. Better Care Together
      2. Better Environments
        1. Springfield Village
        2. Springfield Hospital
        3. Tolworth Hospital
        4. Richmond borough
    2. Anchor and community
    3. Campaigns
      1. Racism stops here
      2. Hold the Hope
      3. 30 years of SWLStG
      4. Mental Health Nurses' Day 2024
      5. NHS Birthday 2024
      6. Mental health support for you or someone you care about
      7. Exceptional people
      8. Support following a bereavement
        1. Kyle’s Charter
      9. Support following an upsetting event
    4. Equality and diversity
      1. Support for veterans and the armed forces community
    5. Get involved
      1. Peer support
      2. Free mental health training programme for local residents
      3. Charity
        1. Meet our fundraisers
        2. Fundraise for us
        3. Make a donation
      4. Research and development
      5. Volunteer with us
    6. How our Trust is run
      1. Transparency
        1. Freedom of information
        2. Tenders
      2. Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN)
      3. Care Quality Commission
      4. Our digital vision
      5. Our board
    7. Latest News
    8. Newsletters
    9. Our mission, values and strategy
    10. Publications
      1. Performance Documents
      2. Policies and procedures
        1. Accessibility statement
        2. Privacy policy
        3. Cookie policy
      3. Corporate Documents
      4. Patient leaflets
    11. Working in partnership
  5. Work with us

    1. Recruitment process
    2. What our staff say
    3. Vacancies
    4. Benefits
    5. Staff bank
    6. Education and training
      1. Training for doctors
      2. Training for nurses
      3. Occupational therapists
      4. Family and couple therapy
    7. Aspiring Clinical Psychologists
      1. Meet our ASPIRE group
  6. GP / Professionals

    1. eMHA by Thalamos
    2. Key clinical contacts
    3. Guidelines and protocols
    4. Medicines Formulary
    5. Referring to our services
    6. Safeguarding
  7. Contact us

    1. Our locations
      1. Springfield Hospital
      2. Tolworth Hospital
      3. Kingston Hospital
      4. Livingston House
      5. Jubilee Health Centre East
      6. Wilson Hospital
      7. National Deaf CAMHS (Kent)
      8. National Deaf CAMHS (Cambridge)
    2. Help and advice (PALS)
    3. Media enquiries
    4. Social media
