Advice and complaints (PALS)

Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) team are here to help when you need advice, have concerns or don’t know where to turn.

As a patient, relative or carer, sometimes you may need to turn to someone for help, advice and support – this is where PALS can help.

PALS is a confidential advice and support service that can help you sort out any concerns that you may have about any aspect of your or your loved one's care.

PALS can:

  • Listen to you and talk to staff on your behalf to try to resolve any concerns, issues, problems or difficulties
  • Provide information about the service we provide and about the NHS
  • Signpost you to other support organisations who can help
  • Listen to your suggestions and comments, provide support and take-action to improve our services
  • Learn from your positive experience and share compliments with those involved
  • Listen to your concerns, suggestions or queries
  • Help sort out problems quickly on your behalf.

We want to make it easy for you to talk to us so that we can understand your experience of our services, and identify where changes or improvements are needed, and try to put things right as quickly as possible. 

Contact PALS

You can call our dedicated PALS line on 0203 513 6150 (Monday - Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm) or email

Talk to us

If you have a concern or comment the first step is to contact the person you know from the service you are using and tell them what the problem is. They can usually address any concerns you have quickly.

You can also ask a member of staff to get in touch with PALS on your behalf. Or you can approach us directly.

We can provide information and work with you to solve any problems you're having accessing or using our services.

We will listen and work with you to find the best solution to your problem. If we can't answer your questions or resolve your concern we will know someone who can.

We act independently when handling patient and family concerns, liaising with staff, managers and, where appropriate, relevant organisations, to get solutions as quickly as possible.

Tell us what’s gone well

It's vital we're made aware of when things have gone well, so we can promote examples of good practice and share them with other teams and services. In any service, there is always scope for improvements.

We welcome any comments, suggestions or compliments you may have to help us improve our services and keep doing the things that we're doing well. Please email

Tells us what could be better

Unfortunately, sometimes things can go wrong. It is important that we know about this. This is so we can try to put things right, work with you, and stop the same thing from going wrong again in the future. 

There is no special form you need to complete to make a complaint, just get in touch with us and we will try to resolve it. You can make a complaint verbally or in writing by:

  • Calling our PALS team on 0203 513 6150 (Monday - Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm)
  • Sending an email to 
  • Writing a letter to:

Vanessa Ford, Chief Executive 
South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust 
Trinity Building, Springfield University Hospital 
15 Springfield Drive 
SW17 0YF


Theresa Pardey 
Head of Quality and Governance
South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust 
Trinity Building, Springfield University Hospital
15 Springfield Drive 
SW17 0YF

If you have had a complaint dealt with by us, we would like to hear from you. Please complete our survey.

What will we do when we receive your complaint?

We will:

  • Carefully listen, or read, to what you have to say and try to clarify the outcomes you are looking for
  • Formally acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days
  • Ask for your consent before responding, if a complaint is made on your behalf (i.e. by a carer, friend, relative or advocate)
  • Not allow the complaint to affect the quality of your care
  • Appoint an investigator, who is not linked to the service you are complaining about, to consider your complaint carefully, investigate thoroughly and fairly and try to resolve it
  • Review whether we could have done something better and how we can learn from your complaint to improve the service
  • Formally respond in writing within 25 working days and explain how we investigated it and what the outcomes of the investigation are
