Information for carers, family, and friends

A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support
A carer may provide practical or emotional support, they may reside with the person they care for, or they may not. Not everyone thinks of themselves as a carer, but they may well be and may be able to get financial or practical help.
Supporting someone who is experiencing emotional distress can be rewarding, but it can sometimes also be challenging or lonely especially if you are juggling other responsibilities or have health needs of your own It is important you are able to receive support in your caring role in order to prevent your own physical and mental health deteriorating. Having good information at the right time and knowing where to get help and support can make all the difference. Please see our support for carers and support for young carers for further information about how to access support and guidance regarding your caring role.
We are committed to informing, involving and supporting carers, family members and friends as partners in the care of people using our services. We are Gold Star members of the Carers’ Trust’s Triangle of Care membership scheme that promotes shared working between carers, professionals and people using services.