
The ASPIRE programme is a collaboration with NHS England (Health Education England) to improve the diversity of the Clinical Psychology workforce. The current Clinical Psychology workforce has an under-representation of people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups and also of people from financially disadvantaged backgrounds.

At South West London and St George’s NHS Mental Health Trust we recognise the many benefits of having a diverse workforce in Clinical Psychology and we will be recruiting Psychology Assistants intending to contribute to a more diverse and inclusive future Clinical Psychology workforce. Assistants will work in various areas across the trust, specifically, the Child and Adolescent Service and Adult specialist mental health services.

How does the ASPIRE programme work?

The ASPIRE programme provides paid clinical experience as an Assistant Psychologist for individuals who are looking to pursue a career as a Clinical Psychologist but have struggled to find paid work experience to support their career path towards this aim. The posts are part of a specifically designed programme to provide valuable experience, insight and preparation to develop confidence in making an application to train on a Clinical Psychology Doctorate programme.   

There will be an emphasis on gaining clinical experience and working within an established competency and ethical practice framework. As a member of the Psychology team, you will be invited to attend meetings and join training events. Experience can also include involvement in audit, research and service evaluation. 

In addition to this, the programme will include a professional development programme supported by staff in senior professional and clinical roles. This will focus on key clinical and professional knowledge, skills and competencies.

You will be allocated a qualified Clinical Psychologist as supervisor to offer clinical oversight and to guide and mentor you. In addition, they will help develop and nurture competencies such as reflective practice, leadership qualities, application of knowledge, theory and applied research. 

There will be an intentional focus in relation to diversity and the benefits this brings to the services we provide. We will support successful applicants in identifying and addressing barriers they experience in pursuing a successful application for clinical training.

On completion we hope you will be in a strong position to apply for a substantive post in a relevant Assistant Psychologist role or equivalent and will go on to make an application for clinical training.

Evaluation at the end of the work placement will be via clinical and reflective practice logs with an end of placement presentation to your supervisor. The presentation will be an opportunity to demonstrate your learning and reflections with a clear route map to a career in clinical psychology. 

