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We offer a unique range of services from Children Eating Disorders to National Adult OCD/BDD services.Use the A-Z links below to find out more about our services.
We offer a unique range of services from Children Eating Disorders to National Adult OCD/BDD services.Use the A-Z links below to find out more about our services.
Access Child and Youth Mental Health Service, also known as CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) Single Point of Access, screens referrals for young people aged 5 to 18 years, who present with difficulties related to their emotional wellbeing/mental health.
Address: Trinity Building, Springfield University Hospital, 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Community Service
Ward 3 is a 20 bed adult mixed sex acute mental health ward. It provides assessment and treatment for individuals experiencing mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety.
Address: Ward 3 Springfield Hospital South West London and St. George's Hospital Mental Health NHS Trust Story Building 7 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Ward
ACCC is responsible for the management and allocation of Acute beds in the Trust. It also functions as Out of Hours Site Managers working in collaboration with the Managers on-call and Directors on-call for the smooth running of the Trust.
Address: Acute Care Coordination Centre, Springfield University Hospital, Elizabeth Newton Building Elizabeth Newton Way, London, SW17 0YG
The Adolescent Outreach Team is a multidisciplinary community team, working across South West London, with the aim of helping young people to avoid inpatient mental health care by working more intensively with them in the community during a period of mental health crisis. Once the presentation has stabilised their care is transferred back to their local CAMHS team.
This service is for Young People aged 12-18 years who are experiencing an acute crisis in their mental health and who might be at risk of needing an inpatient admission owing to the severity of their illness or risk.
We have Specialist Nurses, Senior Support Workers, Consultant Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologist, Occupational Therapist and Family Therapist.
A young person will have a key worker allocated and other staff will become involved according to the interventions/treatment required.
We see Young People at least once per week and this can be in their home, school, CAMHS clinic or other community venues. We also work with parents/carers to provide information, support and advice and to share risk management. We liaise with school and other services within the Young Person's support network, as appropriate. Owing to the nature of the presentations, we do not operate a waiting list and, if a referral is accepted, we will usually offer an assessment within a few days.
Address: Elizabeth Newton Building Springfield University Hospital Elizabeth Newton Way, London, SW17 0YG
Category: Community Service
Aquarius ward is a 12-bed mixed gender inpatient service for young people aged 12-18 experiencing a mental health crisis, requiring short term crisis intervention in hospital. Depending on your needs you will see a variety of people including nurses, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, Family Therapists, Social Workers or other Mental Health Practitioners.
Address: Building 5 (Newton Building) Entrance 8 Springfield University Hospital Elizabeth Newton Way, London, SW17 0YG
Category: Ward
Avalon ward is an 18 bed ward for adults with very severe eating disorders who are unable to make a change in the community. The ward is a highly specialist mixed gender inpatient service for people from all over the UK.
Address: 2nd Floor Trinity Building, Springfield University Hospital, 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Ward
Bluebell is a specialist ward for deaf adults with mental illness and mental health problems. The multi-disciplinary team consists of deaf and hearing staff who can all use BSL (British Sign Language).
Address: Trinity Building, Springfield University Hospital, 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Ward
Burntwood Villas is a 12-bed (8 at Burntwood Villas and 4 at Redwood) inpatient community rehabilitation step-down unit for adults who require further care and treatment until they are well enough to go home, and/or receive ongoing treatment in the community.
Address: Burntwood Villas, 210 Burntwood Lane, London, SW17 0AN
Category: Ward
Carshalton and Wallington Integrated Recovery Hub (previously Carshalton and Wallington Recovery Support Team) provides access to range of community mental and wellbeing health interventions. These interventions are delivered by teams of mental health professionals and supporting staff from community providers with a wide range of skills.
Address: Jubilee Health Centre East Building 1 Entrance 6 Stanley Park Road, Wallington, SM6 0EX
Category: Community Service
Address: Springfield University Hospital 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Community Service
The service provides specialist assessment and treatment for children and young people who have moderate to profound learning disability and present with mental health needs and/or challenging behaviour.
Address: Trinity Building, Springfield University Hospital, 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Community Service
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Emergency Care Service (CECS) is a team of specialist nurses and doctors who work with young people experiencing a mental health crisis and their families/carers.
Address: Shaftesbury Building, Springfield University Hospital, 9 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Community Service
The Neurodevelopmental Assessment Service is a specialist child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) for children and young people. The service offer assessments to determine whether a child or young person has a neurodevelopmental condition such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Address: Trinity Building, Springfield University Hospital, 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Community Service
The service offers assessment and treatment in the community for young people up to the age of 18 with an eating disorder who are registered with a GP in Wandsworth, Merton, Sutton, Kingston or Richmond.
Address: Elizabeth Newton Building (Entrance 7), Springfield University Hospital, Elizabeth Newton Way, London, SW17 0YG
Category: Community Service
The Community Rehabilitation Service is a supported living service for adults aged 18-65 who have mental health needs.
Address: ,
Category: Community Service
Coral Mental Health Crisis Hub is a service for patients who require an assessment within 24 hours.
This service is for patients with mental health problems who would otherwise have had to go to A&E.
Patients must not need urgent healthcare for serious medical conditions: these patients must be treated in an A&E first, and then they may be transferred to Coral Mental Health Crisis Hub when safe to do so and if needed.
Please note that patients cannot self-present. They must first call the screening line, the Trust’s existing Mental Health Crisis Line (MHSL) 0800 028 8000.
As well as patients phoning our 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Line, they might also be referred via the line by the London Ambulance Service, police, by GPs, by clinicians in neighbouring emergency departments, or by other services within our Trust.
If required, our Crisis Assessment Team provides an emergency response to calls from the London Ambulance service and police. The team works in partnership with our Psychiatric Liaison teams at Emergency Departments, and with our Home Treatment Teams across the five boroughs.
If a 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Line caller needs mental health support but the need is not urgent, the caller may be referred to a borough’s Single Point of Access, to secondary or primary care, or signposted to a local source of support.
For callers who are already patients of the Trust’s community teams, we might need to work in partnership with our community colleagues to provide support.
Occasionally at very busy times, the mental health professionals who run the 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Line might need to prioritise callers with urgent mental health needs, and might need to phone the caller back later.
Address: Springfield University Hospital Entrance 9, Newton Building 5 Trinity Building, Springfield University Hospital 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Community Service
Corner House is part of the National Deaf Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. The inpatient unit provides Tier 4 care to deaf children and young people aged 11-17 from across the UK.
Address: Elizabeth Newton Building, Springfield University Hospital, Elizabeth Newton Way, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Ward
Our ward is a 19 bedded unit that offers care and treatment for male and female patients over 75 years of age. We are part of the specialist services. The service offers Inpatient care for older people with functional or organic mental illness, we provide assessment and treatment of older people with a range of diagnoses, who require hospital care due to the severity of need. We provide services for patients cannot be cared for in the community or other settings, due to the intensity and expertise of the care required. Within this setting all aspects of physical health, social care needs, and risks are jointly managed by a multi-disciplinary team, which forms part of a planned and integrated holistic system approach to care. Our close links with Community Services allow continuity of care and enable us to provide a whole system approach to care.
Address: Crocus ward, Morrison Building, Springfield University Hospital, Jupiter Way, London, SW17 0LL
Category: Ward
Our Service provides sign-posting, health monitoring, support and education for people with a diagnosis of Dementia, and their families or carers with a GP in Wandsworth, and who are not already open to any other secondary Mental Health Service.
Address: Wandsworth Older People's Department, Building 32 1st floor, Springfield Hospital, London, SW17 7DJ
Category: Community Service
This service is for young people aged 13 to 17 and 4 months who are likely to meet the criteria for an emerging Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (eEUPD) or emerging Borderline Personality Disorder (eBPD).
Address: 2 Birches House, Birches Close, Mitcham, CR4 4LQ
Category: Community Service
The Discharge Coordination team works in conjunction with internal and external partners such as social services, community teams, housing, voluntary agencies in supporting proactive discharge planning and timely discharge in line with expected dates of discharge.
Discharge coordinators identify any potential barriers to a patient's safe discharge and coordinate the actions that need to be taken to deal with these barriers. For example, if a patient is homeless we might need to refer to Housing or if a patient has social care needs, we might need to refer to Social Services or ask the care coordinator to complete this referral. Discharge Corodinators will discuss with the patient.
Address: South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust Trinity Building, Springfield University Hospital 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Ward
The Eating Disorders Day Unit is an intensive treatment service consisting of a week-long (Monday-Friday) group programme which includes both face-to-face and online sessions.
Address: Trinity Building, Eating Disorder Day Unit, 2nd Floor Springfield University Hospital, 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Community Service
The service offers an assessment, treatment and liaison service for people with moderate to severe eating disorders, including bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder and anorexia nervosa.
Address: Trinity Building, Springfield University Hospital, 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Community Service
Provide Electroconvulsive Therapy to patient who have been assessed and are deemed to benefit from it.
Address: ECT Clinic, Springfield University Hospital, Elizabeth Newton Building, Elizabeth Newton Way, London, SW17 0YG
Ellis Ward is a mixed-gender adult inpatient ward providing a safe and therapeutic environment for people with acute mental health problems.
Address: Ellis Ward, Tolworth Hospital, Red Lion Road, Tolworth, KT6 7QU, Surbiton, KT6 7QU
Category: Ward
EMHIP Hub (Mushkil Aasaan) is a safe community space with open doors, centred around care and hospitality.
Address: Mushkil Aasaan 222 Upper Tooting Rd, London, SW17 7EW
Category: Community Service
EMHIP Hub (New Testament Assembly) is a safe community space with open doors, centred around care and hospitality.
Address: NTA Hub (side access) 7 Beechcroft Rd Tooting Bec, London, SW17 7BU
Category: Community Service
The Prudence Skynner Family and Couple Therapy clinic specialises in working with families and couples when an adult is experiencing psychological problems.
We work with issues experienced by people in a variety of relationships including those in residential care.
Address: Elizabeth Newton Building, Entrance 2, Springfield University Hospital, Elizabeth Newton Way, London, SW17 0YG
Category: Community Service
The Forensic Outreach Service provides specialist mental health support and interventions for individuals who are transitioning from a forensic inpatient service back into the community.
Address: Shaftesbury Building, Springfield University Hospital, 9 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Community Service
The service a medium secure therapeutic environment for patient who require assessment and treatment under the Mental Health Act.
Address: Shaftesbury Building Springfield University Hospital 9 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
Category: Ward