Mission and values

Our mission is Making Life Better Together - the golden thread that runs through our work to transform local mental health services.

Diverse SWLSTG staff with heart icon

Collaboratively, we aim to help patients take back control of their lives, and develop and attain opportunities, roles, relationships and activities that are important to them. By putting patients at the heart of our organisation we want to become the first choice for mental health for more and more people within our local communities, and within our specialist services.

We have five core values that outline how we behave and also how we work with external stakeholders, partners and colleagues. We expect to live these values through our day-to-day values into Behavioural Framework [pdf] 786KB   

Our Trust Strategy

Our Trust Strategy (2018-2023) was developed in 2018 following significant engagement with our local communities. Our Strategy was written pre-Covid and the pandemic impacted our ability to progress as originally intended, therefore the strategy was extended in 2023 for another two years following a review SWLSTG Strategy 20232025.pdf [pdf] 1MB

We continue to work to deliver the four strategic ambitions defined in the Trust Strategy. The strategy specifically focus on delivering improved outcomes. We have four strategic ambitions which guide us:

  • Increasing quality years
  • Reducing inequalities
  • Making the Trust a great place to work
  • Ensuring sustainability.

Each year we set a series of annual delivery plans to support the delivery of the strategy and our ambitions. While implementation is led by the Director of Strategy, Transformation and Commercial Development, advised by a steering group formed from patients, carers and external stakeholders, our ambitions are delivered by everyone within our organisation.

We also have a number of enabling strategies that contain specific detail around delivery and are subject to annual implementation plans that are reviewed each year for delivery.

  • Quality improvement and innovation ( QII )
  • Co-production and service user and carer involvement
  • Collaboration and partnership working
  • Better Communities transformation programme
