Stress management course

The Stress Management Course is an eight week course which aims to provide you with an understanding of the causes and maintaining factors contributing to feelings of stress.  It covers a variety of strategies from both Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and also incorporates aspects of Mindfulness.  We use these principles to help you to build an awareness of your stress cycle and to support you in managing stress in a more helpful way.

The course runs for 2 hours, days TBC.

Course content

  • Session 1: Introduction to CBT, stress overview and the stress cycle
  • Session 2: Stress, the body and behaviour (covering relaxation techniques and mindfulness/present moment focus). The role of avoidance.
  • Session 3: Stress and worry (1) (how to challenge yourself and detach yourself from worry)
  • Session 4: Stress and low mood (1): Behavioural Activation and values
  • Session 5: Stress and low mood (2): Recognising unhelpful thinking patterns
  • Session 6: Stress and worry (2): how to challenge yourself using further strategies and understanding uncertainty
  • Session 7:  Stress, lifestyle and communication
  • Session 8:  Relapse management. Your Personal Stress Plan


What to expect from a group?

How many people will there be?
You can expect between 10-20 people to be there. Everyone will be asked to follow the group rules and maintain confidentiality. One of the benefits of being in a group is you realize that you are not alone with your difficulties and you can share experiences, if you want to.
Will I have to talk?
No, not if you don’t want to. Some people feel more comfortable talking in the group and others less so. You will never be put on the spot to contribute and you do not have to share personal information. Most people start to feel comfortable enough to join in after a few sessions.
Do I need to attend every group session?
To get the most out of the course, we would recommend that you attend all the sessions. The sessions are designed to follow-on from each other and to build on skills learnt in previous sessions.
What if I see someone I know?
This is a common concern, but it rarely happens. If you are uncomfortable with being in a particular group, you can ask to attend the next one.
What if I can no longer attend the group or I don't think it is helping?
Please let us know if you are unable to finish the group, or if you are not finding it helpful. We can discuss other options for support.
