Your stories

Coming to a Talking Therapies service can feel like a daunting task. Many people tell us they were worried about how to explain how they were feeling, and were unsure what help was available. We have asked some people who have used our service to tell us about their experience. We hope that this can provide an understanding of what leads people to get in touch, and inspire people to take those first important steps towards feeling better.

The people we asked have given us permission to publish their words. We would like to extend our warmest thanks to those who have taken the time to share their experiences.

When my doctor recommended group therapy I didn’t think it would help, but agreed anyway and it has been life changing. Now that I have the tools to solve worries and problems myself, everything that was worrying me before has been resolved + I am excited about the future.

Really good course. Was anxious about doing group therapy but found it really positive and very helpful. I feel this service is really beneficial.

Spending time with a group of people experiencing similar difficulties has helped – in terms of putting things into perspective and not being the only one to think this way.

Having regular conversations with my Adviser has made a great difference to how I feel and think about what has happened to me at work, and how I think about going forward in my career.  Throughout the process I felt heard, understood, and I thought that my Adviser genuinely cared for my wellbeing. 

Aside from the obvious help with direction, I found the regular meetings great for my mental health and for keeping me accountable to myself. It was great to have someone who understands the stress and mental health side of job searching. My Adviser was way beyond a job search consultant and helped me with my confidence.
