Self-help resources

There are a number of books, booklets, videos and apps which can help you better understand how you are feeling and provide you with strategies for managing your difficulties. These can be useful to look at and work through before coming for therapy sessions. They cover a range of issues including stress, low self-esteem, sleep problems and relationship difficulties.


A list of recommended self-help books can be found on the Reading Well website. These are available to borrow from your local library.


UCL Positive app for students – an app to support your wellbeing

Websites and workbooks

Northumberland NHS self-help
Brief self-help leaflets on: Abuse, Alcohol, Anxiety, Domestic Violence, Self Harm, Panic, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress, Postnatal Depression, Obsessions and Compulsions

Centre for Clinical Interventions
Detailed workbooks on: panic, worrying, assertiveness, disordered eating, low self-esteem, managing distress, depression.

Talk Plus
This website has a range of booklets and videos explaining step by step how to use some of the key cognitive behavioural therapy techniques, for example behavioural activation, problem-solving, worry management and graded exposure. These may be used alongside some of the therapy sessions you attend in our service.

Good Thinking
Tools and resources to help yourself and others to feel better.

Mental health charity with lots of useful information.


Audio resources

  • Let’s talk about CBT – audio podcast by Dr Lucy Maddox, BABCP
  • NHS Moodzone – a range of audio guides and podcasts to boost your mood including low mood and depression, overcoming sleep problems, unhelpful thinking, and low confidence and assertiveness
  • Exercise and mental health – Mental Health Foundation
  • Glasgow Wellbeing Service – a range of audio resources on topics such as anxiety, relaxation, panic, sleep and stress
