Kyle’s Charter

Kyle’s Charter has been developed in collaboration with and at the request of the family of Kyle Maher to ensure that all families receive the most respectful, timely and individual support and information from the Trust. Kyle Maher, who tragically died in January 2017, was receiving care from the Trust’s community services at the time of his death. The Charter acknowledges that every death is hard to bear, and that bereaved families need timely access to support, advice and information.

Kyle’s Charter provides details of the support, information and response that families, friends and carers can expect to receive from South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust following the death of a loved one.  

An unexpected bereavement causes immense shock, grief and emotional upset. There is often no opportunity to say goodbye and families have to immediately manage funeral, personal and financial arrangements whilst in shock from their sudden loss. A sudden bereavement requires a coordinated response providing a timely pathway for accessing help and support from day one. 

Read Kyle's Charter
