Patient information

Anyone who has ever had a mental health condition, or who has been worried about the mental health of someone else, knows the value of reliable, up-to-date information.

We know that it can be a scary trying to navigate your way through all the information available. We will give you the information you need to help your treatment and recovery.

We have been accredited as a provider of high quality health information by the Information Standard scheme, which assesses organisations on the way they develop and produce patient information. As an accredited organisation, you can trust that the information we provide is balanced, up-to-date and based on the latest evidence.


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Title Status Format Description Size Download
Care Planning and the Care programme approach.pdf Current pdf A care plan is a plan agreed between a person we care for and the Trust 614KB Download
Carers charter.pdf Current pdf 697KB Download
Carers pack.pdf Current pdf 5MB Download
Complaints Internal Leaflet.pdf Current pdf 642KB Download
Confidentiality: a guide for families, carers and friends Current pptx This leaflet is to help answer questions from family, friends and carers that can arise about confidentiality and information sharing. 5MB Download
Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Teams - Patient Information May 2023.pdf Current pdf 821KB Download
Dignity, respect and privacy Current pdf Ensuring dignity and respect for our patients means that we respect you as an individual and we respond to your needs with compassion and kindness 2MB Download
Diversity and inclusion.pdf Current pdf 5MB Download
Guide to Community Mental Health Services Current pptx Good mental health is essential for our wellbeing. Community Mental Health Teams support people 5MB Download
Mental Health Act english.pdf Current pdf 733KB Download
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