Parents and carers

We recognise it can be a worrying time when your child or young person is struggling with their mental health. As key people in your child young person's life, we work alongside parents, carers and families, to support you to feel empowered to best support your child.

We are committed to involving and supporting carers and family members as partners in the care of people using our services. We are Gold Star members of the Carers' Trust's Triangle of Care membership scheme that promotes shared working between carers, professionals and people using services.

Information for carers

Supporting someone with a mental health difficulty can be difficult and sometimes lonely. Having good information at the right time and knowing where to get help and support can make all the difference.

We encourage you to speak with our teams if you have any concerns or would like to understand more about the support available to you as a family member or someone in a caring role.

Education Wellbeing Service team have been developing a number of videos for parents, teens and school staff on a range of mental health and wellbeing topics. 


How can I find support for my child?

My child is in crisis - what shall I do?
