Wellbeing support

Our Wellbeing Navigators facilitate a range of wellbeing focused workshops including Coping with Stress, Relaxation and Self Care, Maintaining Your Wellbeing, and Self-Confidence and Assertiveness. The workshops are designed to enable you to learn techniques and strategies to support you in maintaining your overall wellbeing. They are based in various community locations around the borough. Further information about our Wellbeing workshops and the dates they are running can be found    here.

If you would be interested in attending one of our wellbeing focused workshops, please call 0203 513 5888 and we will be happy to arrange this for you.

SilverCloud access

We can arrange for you to have access to SilverCloud. This is an online platform allowing you access to self-help materials that can support you to begin to work towards your recovery while you wait. Please contact the service on 0203 513 5888 if you do not already have access to SilverCloud, or if you have lost your PIN code to enter the platform. Further information about SilverCloud can be found here.

Good thinking

Good Thinking is a free online service that supports Londoners to look after their mental health and wellbeing in a way that works for them. Since its launch in 2017, over 700,000 people have used the digital service to tackle anxiety, stress, low mood, sleep problems, grief and other concerns. Good Thinking is available 24/7 on any device and is completely anonymous. It provides a range of resources all of which have been reviewed and approved by a clinical specialist including :

To access Good Thinking, please click here.

Recovery College

The Recovery College run by South West London & St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust was the UK's first mental health recovery study and training college. It provides a range of courses and resources for patients, families, friends, carers and staff. The college aims to support people become experts in their own self-care and wellbeing. The courses are run by peer trainers (people with lived experience of mental health challenges) and mental health professionals. The courses vary in length from a single three-hour session to an eight-week course. They are delivered both online and in person. To find out more about the Recovery College, the courses it offers and to enrol, please click here.

Recovery cafés

The Recovery Cafés offer a safe, inclusive and welcoming space for those who are struggling to cope. You do not need to book and can just turn up to get some support. They are open 6:00pm and 11:00pm Monday – Friday and noon to 11:00pm Saturday, Sunday and every bank holiday.

  • Hestia’s Recovery Café: 966 Garratt Lane, London SW17 0ND.  Email: recoverycafe@hestia.org or call 07794 394 920
  • Sunshine Recovery Café: 296a Kingston Rd, London SW20 8LX. Email: info@sunshinerecoverycafe.org or call 07908 436 617
  • Twickenham Recovery Hub: 32 Hampton Road, London TW2 5QB. Email: recoveryhub@rbmind.org or call 020 3137 9755
  • Kingston Recovery Hub: Alfriston Centre, 3 Berrylands Road, London KT5 8RB. Email: recoveryhub@rbmind.org or call 020 3137 9755

If you need urgent support, please click here

Additional online CBT resources

Centre For Clinical Interventions (CCI)
Website:   www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources (workbooks section). 
The resources provided on CCI's website aim to provide general information about various mental health problems, as well as techniques that focus on a cognitive behavioural approach to managing difficulties.

Mood Gym
Website:  www.moodgym.anu.edu.au
An innovative, interactive web program designed to prevent depression. It consists of five modules, an interactive game, anxiety and depression assessments, downloadable relaxation audio, a workbook and feedback assessment. 

Living life to the full
Website: www.llttf.com
Living Life to the Full is an online course aimed at adults, providing easy access to CBT skills. It aims to empower users to tackle low mood, stress and distress through improving their understanding of why they feel as they do and teaching key life skills that will challenge these feelings. The course offers 10 modules based on Chris Williams’ Five Areas model and is in a self-help format, supported by workbooks to be used between sessions. Sound, text and video clips are used throughout to guide users through the programme. Users must register to access the course. It is free.

Website: www.octc.co.uk/resources   
Oxford Cognitive Therapy Centre website has a list of self-help booklets for a variety of mental health difficulties. 

Waiting times

Please find below our approximate waiting times so you can keep updated about how long you are likely to be waiting.

waiting times
Treatment Option Current approximate waiting time from assessment
Wellbeing workshops No wait. Book directly via website here
Step 2 Psycho-educational Courses 7-9 weeks
Step 2 Guided Self Help 23-30 weeks
Step 2 Silver cloud Online CBT 10-12 weeks
Step 3 Individual Treatments (CBT, IPT, EMDR, DIT) 65-70 weeks
Step 3 Group Treatments 21-24 weeks

