Difficulties we help with

Difficulties we help with

We can help with a range of difficulties that may be affecting your quality of life. These include:

  • Feeling sad or low
  • Feeling anxious and/or panicky
  • Worrying about things a lot of the time
  • Feeling stressed
  • Having difficulty coming to terms with a traumatic experience or loss
  • Phobias such as a fear of flying, needles, dogs, spiders, heights, etc.
  • Severe shyness in social or work situations
  • Having upsetting thoughts or pictures come into your mind that you cannot get rid of and needing to carry out certain behaviours to feel less distressed such as praying or checking.
  • Challenges living with a physical health problem such as diabetes, pain, cardiac, respiratory disorders or long/post Covid.
  • Difficulties adjusting to a new role such as caring responsibilities, retirement or becoming a parent.

Evidence based psychological therapy

All the talking therapies we offer at the Wandsworth Talking Therapies service follow the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) treatment guidelines. This means that we provide therapies where there is evidence from research trials and clinical settings proving its effectiveness.

We also follow a “stepped care” model which means we offer the most effective, yet least intensive, support that is appropriate for a person first, to try to maximise their chances of a quick recovery from their symptoms.

When we have had an assessment with you, the clinician who spoke with you and their supervisor will think carefully about your treatment and will offer therapies that are recommended for your particular type of problem.

To learn more about the different types of evidence based psychological therapies we offer, please click  here.

Employment service

Our employment circumstances can have a significant impact on our wellbeing. Perhaps stress in the workplace is causing you to struggle in carrying out your role, or being out of work is leading to feelings of low mood. Does the thought of looking for paid work bring feelings of anxiety and uncertainty?

If you are thinking of changing career, looking for a new job or struggling at work in your current workplace and need reasonable adjustments to help you to carry out your work duties more effectively, then you can talk to one of our in-house Employment Specialist’s for advice and support.

Who can receive support from the Employment Service
Employment support is available for people receiving treatment from Wandsworth Talking Therapies and who are:

  • Out of work and want to get into paid employment
  • In work and need help and support to stay in employment
  • In work and want support to find another job including a career change


What the Employment Service can offer
We offer personalised support tailored to your needs:

  • Advice and career guidance;
  • Motivation, confidence building and assertiveness skills
  • CV writing, job search and interviewing skills
  • Disclosure of mental health difficulties within the workplace
  • Signposting to benefits and debt counselling


Our personalised support to retain employment includes:

  • Adjustments in the workplace
  • Management of employment and employer-related issues
  • Developing self-management strategies at work
  • Support and strategies to return to work after sick leave
  • Attendance at workplace Sickness Review and Mediation meetings
  • Liaison with HR and Occupational health departments
  • Help to look for more suitable jobs whilst still employed
  • Supporting in signposting for legal matters within the workplace and supporting during the process.


How to access Employment support

You will be asked in your initial assessment if you would like support from the Employment team and if so, your details will be passed on to the Employment Advisers who will contact you. Alternatively, if your situation changes whilst you are on a waiting list for treatment, or whilst you are in treatment with us, then please do let the service or your clinician know. They can ask the Employment team to get in touch with you at that point.

Wellbeing team

Wellbeing support helps people to connect and access activities and resources to meet their physical, social and emotional needs. We aim to support you to cope in the present and help you move forward in the future. Our team are experienced in supporting people with their wellbeing, either professionally or through lived experience.

We aim to support you to cope in the present and be able to help yourself in the future. This may be through building on your existing strengths, developing new skills or social relationships.

Wellbeing Workshops

Our Wellbeing team offer a range of workshops (each lasting approximately 90 minutes) where you can learn techniques and strategies to improve your wellbeing. Popular topics include:

  • Coping with Stress
  • Self-Care & Relaxation
  • Self-Confidence and Assertiveness
  • Tips for Better Sleep
  • Managing Anger & Irritability
  • Avoiding work stress and burn-out

We also offer workshops for people experiencing specific health issues or life circumstances:

  • Living Well with chronic pain
  • Living well with long Covid
  • Wellbeing for new or expecting parents
  • Living well with diabetes (for both those with diabetes and their support network.) 
  • Living well with COPD (for those with COPD and their support network.)

A wide range of people have found our workshops to be a valuable source of information and peer support. A previous participant has fed back:

I learnt a lot from this talk, people were honest and happy to share experiences and information. So good to be able to ask a question and get input from all present

Our workshops are free to attend and available to anyone over 18 and living within Wandsworth or registered with a Wandsworth GP.

You can sign up here  or you can contact us directly via telephone 0203 513 6264 or email.

Follow us

We are very active on social media, so please follow us for updates and information about the service, and for helpful wellbeing strategies and information.

Next door: NHS Talk Wandsworth https://nextdoor.co.uk/agency-detail/england/wandsworth/nhs-talk-wandsworth/

YouTube: Talk Wandsworth Wellbeing https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtdh_kka96jwCfA2R_m2nxg/videos

Instagram: @talkwandsworth  https://www.instagram.com/talkwandsworth/

Twitter: @talkwandsworth  https://twitter.com/talkwandsworth?lang=en

Facebook: TW Wellbeing https://www.facebook.com/tal.wand.71

Working with our community

Our Community Partners

Wandsworth Talking Therapies is proud to work in partnership with The Awareness Centre, an organisation with expertise in providing counselling interventions.

the awareness centre logo

Working with Local Community Organisations

We know many communities and groups already support local people with their wellbeing. We are always keen to work with others – be it co-producing a new wellbeing workshop based on your individual needs or visiting your group to answer any questions about our services and to explore how we could work together.

Perhaps you run a lunch club for older people in your neighbourhood, or a play group for local children? Is your faith group interested in exploring the wellbeing of your community? Are you a member of a local peer support group for carers?

In the past year Wandsworth Talking Therapies has worked with the Baitul Futuh Mosque, Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network, Homestart, Battersea Zoomers, Roehampton Women’s Network, Walk and Talk movement Wandsworth, Battersea Mosque, Elays Network, Balham & Tooting Community Sports & Social Club, Canerows and South Thames College to name but a few!

Please contact us  to discuss working together to help improve the mental health and wellbeing of your communities.

Our Champions

To ensure we are supporting everyone from our local communities to access our service, we have developed Champion roles in our teams. These clinicians and wellbeing practitioners are keen to develop their interest and expertise in working with people who may have found it difficult to engage with services in the past or have particular needs they require support with.

Our Champions link with other organisations to ensure people in the local community are aware that we are here and the type of support we can provide, and they also ensure the service understands what changes we need to make to ensure people want to come to see us. We currently have Champions working with people and organisations related to pregnancy and becoming a new parent, people with long term physical health conditions, older people, people from a black and minority ethnic backgrounds, carers, people with a learning disability, those experiencing domestic violence and isolated men.

If you would like to link with one of our Champions, then we would love to hear from you. Please do get in touch here.

Service User Forums

Wandsworth Talking Therapies is keen to improve and learn from people who have accessed our services. We ask every person who is seen for support to complete a Patient Experience Questionnaire which are collected and reviewed every 3 months. The findings from these are shared with the team and we think about how we can act on the feedback we have received.  

We also hold regular service user forums to share experiences and help influence new service developments. Please contact us  if you would like to join our friendly groups to support us in this valuable way.
