Wandsworth Single Point of Access (SPA) service is a central point of access for all adults referred to community mental health services in the borough. The team provides initial assessement, screening, triage and signposting to a range of services.
- Service Type: Adults
- Service Contact: Wandsworthspa@swlstg.nhs.uk
- Service Category: Community
- Disabled access: Yes
- Address: Wandsworth Single Point of Access Trinity Building Springfield Hospital, 15 Springfield Drive, London, SW17 0YF
- Reception hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
- Reception phone number: 020 3513 5000
About our care
This service provides a single point of access for all referrals to community mental health services for adults in the borough. All new referrals received will be reviewed and if appropriate, a member of the team will be in contact to conduct an assessment. This will help to identify individual needs, as well as the service(s) best placed to provide support.
If our services are not appropriate, the team will provide information and signposting to other services and organisations, ensuring the most appropriate treatment and support.
The service also provides prompt mental health expertise and advice and guidance to GPs through the NHS electronic referrals service (e-RS), as well as signposting for other Blue Light and healthcare professionals in the borough.
Who is this service for?
The service provides referral and signposting support for adults aged 18-74 in the London borough of Wandsworth.
Referrals and access
GP Referrals
If you are a professional working in a GP practice in Wandsworth, please submit referrals using the electronic referrals service ( e-RS ). We cannot accept referrals from GPs in the borough if they sent via other methods.
Out of area of area GP referrals should be sent to wandsworthspa@swlstg.nhs.uk
Professional referrals (external organisations )
If you are a professional from any other external organisation (for example, hospitals, third sector organisations, out of area GP practice staff, police etc.) , please send referrals to wandsworthspa@swlstg.nhs.uk using the referral form provided by the service. If you do not have the referral form, please request this by contacting the email address above.
Professional referrals (internal teams at South West London and St George's)
All internal referrals should be sent directly to the treatment team (not the SPA team) using internal referral processes on the clinical system. Any internal referrals that are made using other methods will not be accepted.
Patient information
Wandsworth Single Point of Access is a key pathway to community mental health services.
The service does not provide treatment for mental health issues, but rather offers initial assessement, screening, triage and signposting to a range of services which do.
It is made up of a team of professionals who combine their skills and includes team managers, consultant psychiatrists, referral triage assessors, occupational therapists, nurses and social workers.