We want to hear about your care | Latest News

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We want to hear about your care

Image of poster which reads Care Quality Commission. Tell us your views on mental health care. Community Mental Health Survey 2023. This trust will soon be carrying out a suvery to understand what you think about your care.

Image of poster which reads Care Quality Commission. Tell us your views on mental health care. Community Mental Health Survey 2023. This trust will soon be carrying out a suvery to understand what you think about your care. This year, for the first time, the survey will be inviting people aged 16 and over to share their experiences of care. This is really important to help us understand how well young people’s care is transitioned as they move into adult services.

People who have recently received care in the community may receive a survey in August, asking about their experiences. They will be asked about various aspects of their care, including the quality of care and treatment, communication with staff, information, and environment of facilities.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and all answers are confidential. If you are invited to take part, your name, phone number, and postal address will only be used by researchers to carry out the survey. Your information will not be shared with anyone else, and all published data is anonymised.

The results will be published in the spring of 2024 and will be used to assess Community Mental Health Trusts in England. What we learn will enable us to identify key priorities, aiding our mission to provide the very best care for you and our community.

If you are invited to take part, whether contact with our services was regular or minimal, know every voice is valued.

If invited to take part in the survey and need help completing it, please call 0800 783 1775. Alternatively, you can contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) team via 020 3513 6150 or PALS@swlstg.nhs.uk.

For more information about the survey, please visit http://www.cqc.org.uk/cmhsurvey


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