Pastoral Care Quality Award for international recruitment | Latest News

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Pastoral Care Quality Award for international recruitment

We are delighted to have achieved the NHS Pastoral Care Quality Award for our ongoing commitment to providing best practice pastoral support to internationally educated nurses.

This award recognises the incredible work being carried by our teams to ensure our international nurses receive enhanced and tailored pastoral care as they start their NHS journey and onwards in their career.

The NHS Pastoral Care Quality Award is part of NHS England’s International Recruitment Programme which supports NHS organisations to increase and develop their international recruitment plans.

Achieving the award involves meeting a set of standards for best practice pastoral care, which have been co-developed with regional and Trust international recruitment leads and international nursing and midwifery associations.

By achieving the award, we have demonstrated a commitment to supporting internationally educated nurses and midwives at every stage of our recruitment and beyond.

Sharon Spain, Executive Director of Nursing and Quality at the Trust, said: “The safe arrival, induction, and provision of support for new people joining our Trust is our number one priority for international recruitment.

“I am delighted that the NHS Pastoral Care Award recognises the hard work and commitment of our teams in supporting our internationally educated nurses. I would also like to thank our Nursing Development Team for everything they do to ensure our new nurses are warmly welcomed and have the best possible experience of joining us. One of our greatest strengths is our diversity, and our international recruits are a really important part of our team.”

Once trusts have achieved the award, they will be reassessed every three years. You can find information about the award on the NHS England website.


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