Temporary diversion to support parking access at Springfield Hospital | Latest News

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Temporary diversion to support parking access at Springfield Hospital

A new diverson will be in place at Springfield Hospital between January and March 2024 to support parking access.

As part of ongoing infrastructure works within the new Springfield Village, the Trust’s construction partners are progressing further roadworks requiring a temporary closure of a small section of road next to the new Trinity building.


The area where Seacole Walk meets Springfield Drive outside Trinity Car Park C (as above) will be closed to traffic access from Monday 15 January to the middle of March. 

Pedestrians will still be able to walk through this area. However, traffic access to Trinity Car Park C, the Trust Pharmacy and the deliveries area from the Burntwood Lane entrance (and western side of the site) will be diverted around Springfield Drive and along Seacole Walk during this period.  

Our partners are making every effort to ensure these works are completed as quickly as possible and with minimal disruption for patients, service users and visitors.

The diversion will be clearly signposted and a one-way traffic light system will also be in place on this road to support the temporary route through Seacole Walk.

For any questions please email  EstateModernisation@swlstg.nhs.uk


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