Springfield Hospital welcomes Laurel and Rose Wards | Latest News

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Springfield Hospital welcomes Laurel and Rose Wards

Laurel and Rose Wards will this week move across from Queen Mary’s Hospital in Roehampton to Springfield University Hospital in Tooting as part of ongoing estate developments at South West London and St George’s.

Laurel and Rose provide intensive support for people with a range of mental health issues and will join other acute services at the Trust headquarters including Lavender and Jupiter wards and the Lotus Unit.

On Wednesday 21 June, staff and service users will move temporarily to newly refurbished facilities in Morrison Building at Springfield before they move on to Tolworth Hospital in Kingston in 2026. Pending final approvals, development of up to five new wards is due to get underway at Tolworth. This will eventually provide brand new accommodation for Laurel and Rose Wards.

The move from Roehampton follows consultations held by South West London CCG (now the SWL Integrated Care Board) in 2015 to determine the optimal configuration for inpatient facilities in South West London. This recommended the centralisation of the Trust’s inpatient services at Tolworth and Springfield to support the development of two centres for excellence whilst boosting links between wards and supporting services.

Director of Nursing and Quality Sharon Spain said:

 “Transformations across our estate are about delivering the best environments for our patients and making sure our services can work effectively together. This week’s move is an important step on that journey for Laurel and Rose and we look forward to their move to Tolworth in the coming years as we develop bright, modern facilities, building on what we have achieved with the redevelopment of Springfield Hospital.”

Over £150m has been invested in the development of the new Trinity and Shaftesbury buildings at Springfield Hospital. The facilities sit at the centre of the new Springfield Village, surrounded by hundreds of homes, a public square, shops, and a 32-acre park. This new stigma-breaking community opens officially on Wednesday 5 July as part of the celebrations for the NHS’s 75th Birthday.

Further developments are also due to get underway this summer on the redevelopment of Barnes Hospital in Richmond before works commence at Tolworth. Further details of the Trusts’ transformation programme can be found in a newly launched e-book setting out this journey in full.

Find out more about Springfield Village and sign-up for the Trust’s Street Party.


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