SWLSTG response to Metropolitan Police Right Care Right Person letter | Latest News

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SWLSTG response to Metropolitan Police Right Care Right Person letter

We are fully engaged in the significant partnership work already underway to help us achieve this, including rolling out improved mental health crisis and S136 pathways, and implementing the NHS111 press 2 for mental health hub and S136 coordination hub across South London. 

We will participate in further partnership work with Metropolitan Police Service colleagues on the implementation of right care right person, in conjunction with NHS England London. This work needs to be appropriately planned and phased to ensure it is successful and safe for our patients and the public. We will link with regional and London mental health Trust colleagues to ensure our work is coordinated. 

For now, we will all continue to work together with the Metropolitan Police Service and acute trusts to support patients in mental health crisis under existing policies and protocols, including the recently refreshed Blue Light Protocol. Should there be any issues around response or practice, these should be raised in the normal way through the agency concerned.


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