Preceptorship programme shortlisted for national award | Latest News

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Preceptorship programme shortlisted for national award

Preceptorship graduation day 22-23 The annual awards are designed to highlight organisations making a difference in key areas such as recruitment, staff retention, wellbeing and inclusion.

Like all trusts across the country, we run a preceptorship programme for our newly qualified nurses (NQNs). The programme is an important part of the induction process and aims to welcome and integrate NQNs into their new team and place of work.

Ellie Stevenson, Project Development Nurse who leads the Trusts’ preceptorship programme, said: “The transition from student nurse to newly registered nurse can be a big step. Our role is to support and nurture our new nurses during their important first year so that they can flourish and make the vital contribution for which they trained.

Preceptorship teaching days - quality improvement workshop “We’re proud to say that following our 2022/2023 preceptorship programme, 97% of our new nurses chose to stay and develop their careers with us. I’m thrilled we’ve been shortlisted for this award, and so proud of the Nursing Development Team who work really hard to provide our new nurses with the best possible start and experience of joining us.”

The winners will be revealed at a ceremony on Tuesday 21 November 2023 in London. Congratulations and good luck to everyone involved!

The full shortlist can be found here: NT Workforce Summit & Awards 2023 - 2023 shortlist (

Photo caption one: Preceptorship graduation day 22/23
Photo caption two: Preceptorship teaching days - quality improvement workshop


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