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World Mental Health Day 2024: Park benches offer mental health support and connection

A sign on a bench promoting mental health support.

New signs have been installed on benches across Springfield Park, offering a simple yet impactful way to raise awareness of mental health support, especially in times of crisis. The signs display the Trust’s 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Line (0800 028 8000) and the recently launched NHS 111 for Mental Health service.

Read World Mental Health Day 2024: Park benches offer mental health support and connection…

World Mental Health Day 2024: A message from our Chief Executive

As we mark World Mental Health Day today, we have so much to reflect on from the past year.  We have continued to work in collaboration with our patients, carers, staff and communities to improve our mental health services and facilities. We have taken important steps on our journey to become actively anti-racist.  And we have worked to break mental health stigma in all its guises.

Read World Mental Health Day 2024: A message from our Chief Executive…

New electronic system will support patient care during Mental Health Act assessments

The text reads 'working together to deliver safer, faster and more joined up mental health care in London'. The image features a bridge and water.

A new system to improve how the Trust and its partners carry out assessments and treatment under the Mental Health Act will be rolled out early next year.

The system, eMHA, will mean that important information, such as statutory forms, will be completed and held on a specially designed electronic platform rather than on paper, meaning safer and more effective ways to ensure those patients who are most unwell are protected when they at their most vulnerable.

Read New electronic system will support patient care during Mental Health Act assessments…

Better Care to support our adult patients towards recovery

the text reads 'better care', on a white background with a pink heart.

Work to improve the care and experience of our adult patients and support our communities to live well and stay well is picking up pace. Our Better Care Programme works with both acute and urgent care and our community services together to improve the lives of our adult patients and tackle the mental healthcare challenges seen across our system.


Read Better Care to support our adult patients towards recovery…

Celebrating Black History Month 2024

A graphic for Black History Month 2024 with the theme "Reclaiming Narratives." The image features several overlapping profiles of faces in shades of brown, red, orange, and green.

Black History Month is a time to celebrate the rich history, culture, and contributions of Black people – both in society and the NHS. It’s a chance for all of us to reflect on the achievements that have shaped the world we live in today.

At SWLSTG, we’re incredibly proud that half of our workforce comes from Black and ethnic minority backgrounds. This diversity strengthens our ability to provide compassionate, inclusive care for everyone in our communities.

Read Celebrating Black History Month 2024…

Changes to the London Borough of Merton Council and SWLSTG Older Peoples integrated Health and Social Care teams

From Tuesday 1st October 2024, the current Section 75 agreement between the London Borough of Merton Council and the South West London and St Georges Mental Health Trust for the  Mental Health Integrated Service ended

Read Changes to the London Borough of Merton Council and SWLSTG Older Peoples integrated Health and Social Care teams…

Celebrating World Pharmacist Day

Eight people from our pharmacy team smiling confidently, the sign above them reads 'Spenser the Dispenser'.

Every year on September 25, we celebrate World Pharmacist Day – a day dedicated to recognising the incredible contributions pharmacists make to healthcare.

Pharmacists do so much more than dispense medication. They’re trusted advisors, helping patients manage their conditions, offering guidance on managing side effects, and ensuring medicines are used safely.

Read Celebrating World Pharmacist Day…

Trust and ICB host annual Suicide Prevention Conference

A man standing in a room full of people with red chairs and a screen that reads 'thank you'.

South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust and Integrated Care Board joined forces in September to host our annual Suicide Prevention Conference.

Held in the same week as National Suicide Prevention Day, the Conference brings together clinicians, commissioners, members of our communities and people with lived experience to help drive our the SWL Suicide Prevention Strategy.

Read Trust and ICB host annual Suicide Prevention Conference…

Take part in the #ZeroSuicideLDN campaign

White text on a bright pink background which reads 'Learn to save a life, take the training' #ZeroSuicideLDN

This World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September) take free, online training and be prepared to save a life. Suicide is the leading cause of death in people aged 15 - 29, and the biggest killer of men under 49 in the UK. In London, the sad truth is suicide is the cause of death of around 10 Londoners every week.

Read Take part in the #ZeroSuicideLDN campaign…

Changes to the London Borough of Merton Council and Southwest London and St. George’s Mental Health NHS Trust Adults and Older Peoples integrated Health and Social Care teams

From Tuesday 1st October 2024, the current Section 75 agreement between the London Borough of Merton Council and the South West London and St Georges Mental Health Trust for the  Mental Health Integrated Service ended. 

Read Changes to the London Borough of Merton Council and Southwest London and St. George’s Mental Health NHS Trust Adults and Older Peoples integrated Health and Social Care teams…

How was your mental health care?

Community Mental Health Survey. How was your care?

The NHS Community Mental Health Survey collects the views of thousands of people using community mental health services across the country. By completing the survey, you’re helping us understand what we’re doing well, and where we need to improve.

Read How was your mental health care?…

Celebrating better care in the community for people in South West London

A photo of people gathering for our community transformation event at Trinity building.

Partners across South West London recently came together to celebrate the successful transformation of adult community mental health services.

NHS staff, carers, patients and stakeholders took part in a special event in June to mark the transformation, a key part of the Trust’s Better Care programme.



Read Celebrating better care in the community for people in South West London…
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