OCD Awareness Week | Latest News

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OCD Awareness Week

A man gardening, and planting vegetables.

It’s OCD Awareness Week (13-19 October), a worldwide event dedicated to raising awareness of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a condition characterised by unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviours that can significantly impact daily life.

At SWLSTG, we offer the only service in the country that provides 24/7 inpatient care specifically for people with OCD. Seacole ward delivers specialist care and treatment, including a variety of therapeutic activities such as gardening and cooking, all designed to support patients on their recovery journeys. 

Guided by the ward’s activity coordinator, Oliver, patients have been growing a variety of herbs and vegetables, such as courgettes, basil, cucumbers, and lettuce. These fresh ingredients are then used in cooking sessions to prepare dishes like stuffed courgettes and fresh salads.

These activities not only provide healthy ingredients but also help to create a calming environment where patients can relax and connect with nature.

Discussing the benefits, Oliver said:

“The gardening group is one of the activities we offer to help patients overcome OCD-related fears and avoidance behaviours. Some patients find touching soil or getting dirty a significant challenge, and gardening provides a safe, supportive space to confront and work through these anxieties.

“Patient feedback has been positive, with many discovering the therapeutic benefits of gardening despite the initial challenges. For some, it’s a comforting activity that reminds them of home; for others, it’s a new and rewarding experience.”

Find more information about OCD including the symptoms and treatment on the NHS website.


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