Lucy Matthews wins March’s Exceptional People Award | Latest News

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Lucy Matthews wins March’s Exceptional People Award

Lucy Matthews

Lucy initially joined the Trust as a Covid Support Worker to help during the pandemic, before going on to work as a Healthcare Assistant and eventually joining the Nursing Associate team in March last year.

Her colleagues describe her as a well-liked and respected teammate, saying: “Lucy has helped to break down barriers and has proved to be someone that service users can trust. She is a conscientious and hard-working member of the team who builds and maintains trusting relationships with service users.”

Lucy was very excited to win this award and spoke about what it means to her: “ It has been an immense privilege to work in this Trust and with the people in our care. My very favourite thing is the level of trust that I have been afforded by my service users and those moments when they have been so open with me and allowed me space to listen and offer support where I can.

“It feels like such an honour to win this award, and I don’t know how I’ll be able to stop crying!”

Lucy will receive a certificate, a gift, and our thanks for her valued service to the Trust and patients.

Every month we recognise and reward a staff member that has made a real difference to the Trust, our people and our patients.  Nominations are welcome from all teams


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