June’s Exceptional People Award goes to Mira Lemke | Latest News

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June’s Exceptional People Award goes to Mira Lemke

Mira, who is a Wellbeing Navigator at Sutton Uplift, has been working at the Trust for two and a half years and has been described as someone who always demonstrates an open and transparent approach to her work.

The Sutton Uplift team were full of praise for Mira, saying: “Her dedication and exceptional contributions to the community, her colleagues, and the Trust, embody the core values of openness, collaboration, and compassion. Her commitment to respect is evident in her interactions with patients, colleagues, and the wider community”.

“Mira’s compassionate and consistent approach has made a significant difference within the organisation and the lives of those she serves.”

Mira was delighted to hear that she had been selected as winner of the June Exceptional People Award, saying: “I feel honoured to receive this award, especially as there are a lot of great candidates to choose from, and I feel proud to have my work recognised.

“What I enjoy most about working here is the brilliant support of my team and the opportunity to help a diverse range of clients.”

Mira will receive a certificate, a gift, and our thanks for her valued service to the Trust and patients.

Every month we recognise and reward a staff member that has made a real difference to the Trust, our people and our patients.


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