Friendly Wards: Trust Recovery College launches new course for carers supporting inpatients | Latest News

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Friendly Wards: Trust Recovery College launches new course for carers supporting inpatients

A group of people gathered around speaking

Having a relative or friend as an inpatient at a psychiatric ward can be an incredibly challenging time. Many carers may feel they are in survival mode, with intense and conflicting emotions, or just trying to cope day by day. This can have an impact on both our physical and mental health.

To address this, our Trust’s Recovery College, Acute and Urgent Service Line staff, and carers, have co-developed a new course called ‘Friendly Wards’. Designed to tackle some of the immediate needs of carers, the course is open to anyone caring for an individual who has been admitted onto a ward within the Trust. 

The Trust Recovery College was established in 2010 and provides a range of courses to support patients and carers across South West London to become experts in self-care. Courses are co-produced by people with lived experience and mental health professionals, and take a coaching and educational, rather than a therapeutic approach, to equip people with the knowledge, understanding and practical skills to support their health and wellbeing.

  The ‘Friendly Wards’ course aims to:

  • Offer a pause in a safe space to take a breath
  • Offer a chance to try out techniques to lower their stress and centre yourself
  • Help develop a better understanding of where you’re at and what can happen next
  • Provide information on what Trust and community resources are available to support family, friends and carers
  • Provide a safe space to meet others going through similar challenges and share tips


The first course will take place online on 1 April 2025 from 4pm to 6pm. Anyone interested in taking part should contact the Recovery College at for more information.

Find the course flyer here and find out more about the Recovery College


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