Fircroft Primary School tour Springfield Village and visit new park | Latest News

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Fircroft Primary School tour Springfield Village and visit new park

Pupils sitting in the Trinity Building holding the artwork they designed for ‘welcome’ cards The students had worked with us previously to design a set of motifs that were transferred onto ‘welcome’ cards for patients who need a hospital stay with the Trust. The designs evolved from the pupils’ interpretation of four words that signify positive mental health care and wellbeing; caring, happiness, growth and peaceful.

The visit served as an opportunity for the Trust to raise awareness of mental health conditions and showcase Springfield Village, as well as to say thank you to the school for working with us.

The visit included a presentation about different careers in the NHS, a look around our new Trinity building including our Recovery College, and a look at the new Springfield Park – now open to the public. As it was the end of the term, we also had some snacks and squash, too!

A conference room with Firecroft pupils sat around tables listening to a presentation about different careers in the NHS Inesa Sinkeviciute, Senior Development Nurse said: ‘We are truly blessed to have our new facilities and resources which enables us to better care for our patients and their families. I was inspired to be a mental health nurse and it truly is the most rewarding career – it would be wonderful if we were able to inspire the next generation to consider a career in mental healthcare and the NHS.’

Our Recovery College (the first launched in the UK back in 2010) teaches students the tools and techniques they need to manage their conditions, while families, friends, carers and staff can gain a better understanding of mental health conditions and how to support people in their recovery journey.

Group of pupils standing in the Recovery College listening to Owen Reilly, Recovery College trainer Owen Reilly, Recovery College trainer explains ‘When you visit the Recovery College you will be greeted in a warm, welcoming environment by people with an understanding of what you are going through and a passion for making the College work for you. I am proud to be apart of the College and sharing our work with children from the local community, so they better understand how we support people with mental health conditions.’

The tour finished in Springfield Park, the first part of which opend this month  and will eventually feature a pavilion café, an amphitheatre, youth shelter, play areas, sensory garden, trim trail and much more.

Four Firecroft pupils standing in the new Springfield Park holding the artwork they designed for the 'welcome cards' Julia Thomas, Fircroft Primary School headteacher said: It was lovely to bring our budding Year 5 and 6 artists up to Springfield to see where their artwork is being used. We were really impressed with what we saw, particularly the huge pieces of artwork that adorn the buildings and the beautiful meadow, with the pond. It was also great to hear about the wealth of future career opportunities that are right on our doorstep!

Further information

You can find out more about Springfield Village and the plans for our other sites, here.


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