Come join us at the 2023 Clinical Effectiveness and Quality Summit | Latest News

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Come join us at the 2023 Clinical Effectiveness and Quality Summit

Date: Friday 15 September 2023, from 10am to 4pm

Venue: Trinity Conference Centre, Rooms A & B, or via Teams for anyone who cannot attend in person

Who should come:

Everyone, including current and former service users, families and staff, who…

  • Have been involved in audits or other clinical effectiveness projects, or quality improvement work
  • Are thinking about getting involved in a project and want to know more, and/or
  • Who are interested in improving services and have ideas to share, or want to consider implementing others’

Why you should come:

  • You’ll learn about some of the great work that’s gone on over the past year
  • You’ll see how good audits lead to actions that make a real difference to the quality of patient care, and people’s experience of services
  • You might learn something you can use to make a difference to patient care
  • It might spark an idea in you that you can follow through to make a change in the future
  • If you’re a professional, you can count the day towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
  • It should be a safe space to discuss what’s not going right and what we can improve
  • You’ll enjoy yourself!

What the day will include:

  • A summary of some of the most important recent national audit findings
  • Themed discussions, based on submissions from participants
  • A topical debate (the subject will be announced later) 
  • Lots of success stories from our own Trust teams
  • Patients’ and families’ perspectives on audit and quality improvement projects that have made a difference to them
  • Opportunities to network with others who’ve completed, started or are just contemplating, clinical audits and improvement projects
  • A ‘So what? And what next?’ seminar on what we’ve learned from what we’ve done, and how we should make further improvements in future

Please sign up via the Eventbrite links to say you can come - all tickets are free!

There are separate links for those who will be coming in person, which we have a maximum number of tickets for, and those who would prefer to attend online, which is not capped. 

Light refreshments, including tea, coffee and biscuits, will be available during the event. A hot or cold lunch can be purchased from one of the restaurants or pop-up cafes in Trinity & Shaftesbury buildings.

Please let us know if you require an interpreter or have any other accessibility requirements that we should be aware of.

For further information on the summit, please contact


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