Celebrating our latest Exceptional People Award winner: Vasile Taut! | Latest News

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Celebrating our latest Exceptional People Award winner: Vasile Taut!

A man wearing a blue denim shirt and a rainbow NHS lanyard.

Vasile Taut, a specialist pharmacist, has been named as the winner of the Trust’s Exceptional People Award for August 2024.

Vasile joined SWLSTG in November 2022 and has been a highly valued member of the pharmacy team ever since.

His colleagues said: “Vasile is often heavily involved in individual patient cases, consistently advocating for medication optimisation, and he always ensures that our patients are supported holistically as well as safely. He takes on a great deal of work, - I don't know how he does as much as he does!

“It’s such a joy to have him as part of our team, and we just hope he knows how much he is appreciated.”

Vasile felt very privileged to be the recipient of this award and spoke about his appreciation for the recognition and the support of his team:

“One of my favourite things about my role is being part of the amazing community mental health teams in Sutton where I have the opportunity to contribute to our patients' holistic care and support them on their journey to better mental wellness.”

Vasile will receive a certificate, a gift, and our thanks for his valued service to the Trust and our patients.

Is there a member of our team who has made a difference in your life or the life of a loved one? Tell us about it and nominate them for our Exceptional People Award.


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