Bishop of Kingston visits Trinity multi-faith room | Latest News

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Bishop of Kingston visits Trinity multi-faith room

The Bishop of Kingston, Revd Canon Dr Martin Gainsborough visited Springfield Village on Tuesday 25 July to see our new facilities, meet with staff and visit the multi-faith room as part of a multi-faith ceremony.

The Bishop and members of the Spiritual and Pastoral Care Team visited staff and patients in Jupiter Ward, and heard about the activities that take place on the ward through the chaplaincy.

After visiting the ward, the Bishop, along with members of the Chaplaincy and Christian Staff Network took part in a range of songs and readings from a number of faiths including a reading from the Quran.

Helen Miles, Head of Therapies said of the Spiritual and Pastoral Care Team: "The team do such a wonderful job for our staff and patients in meeting their faith needs but also pastoral care, for example with  people who seek meaning at a time of personal distress, helping staff after difficult events and making regular visits to all the inpatient units. They offer a friendly face and a listening ear when required and are often there to support patients and their families at very difficult times."

Amanda Beck, Spiritual and Pastoral Care lead said: "This room is open at all times for staff, service users and visitors of all faiths and none to come in as a quiet reflective space. The team are very keen to hear about events or festivals they would like us to mark in the multi-faith room. Thank you to those who joined us at the event and to Bishop Martin and colleagues for visiting us."


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