Annual Public Meeting 2024: Tackling Health Inequalities in South West London | Latest News

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Annual Public Meeting 2024: Tackling Health Inequalities in South West London

Annual Public Meeting title image

Thank you to everyone who joined September’s Annual Public Meeting!

This year's event focused in particular on the topic of Health Inequalities, alongside our review of the year. 

It was brilliant to come together to reflect on our progress in this area and the vital work we need to prioritise to ensure equity in access, treatment and outcomes for people from ethnic minoritsed backgrounds across our communities. 

We heard from the Trust’s Deputy Medical Director, Dr Sean Whyte and Trust Non-Executive Director on the racial disparities in South West London and the important work happening to shift the dial.  

Special thanks to our speakers, Professor Habib Naqvi from the Race and Health Observatory, Dr Ruvimbo Chiswo from the Ethnicity and Mental Health Improvement Project and the amazing South London Listens programme team, who shared more on their work to tackle health inequalities through our partnership programme. 

·       Download the meeting presentation

·       Read our Annual Report Summary

·       Listen again to the final Q&A session

Our apologies again to everyone joining online for the technical issues we experienced streaming the meeting. You can now access the meeting materials above including the presentation and our Annual Report, as well as a recording of the final Q&A session below. 

Thank you again and we look forward to seeing you at future events. 

If you have any questions or need any further information, please don't hesitate to contact us at


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