Abiodun Vincent Okugbe wins May's Exceptional People Award | Latest News

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Abiodun Vincent Okugbe wins May's Exceptional People Award

Abiodun, who is known by colleagues as Vincent,  is the Ward Manager on Ward 1 and has been at the Trust for 13 years, joining in July 2011. He is known as someone who is extremely passionate about his role, and as someone who takes on feedback, constantly working to make life on Ward 1 easier for all.  

A colleague of  Vincent  said: “ Vincent  works extremely hard on the ward. He respects the opinions of his patients and staff, and will try to find a solution and resolution to anything.

“He is a highly respected and highly dedicated member of the team.”

Vincent said he felt both pleased and excited to hear that he had won May’s award. He spoke about his time at the Trust, saying: “There are so many favourite things that I am pleased about in my role. However, the one that stands out is when  see my patients get better and become ready to be transferred/discharged from the ward.

“I feel proud of myself and the wonderful Ward 1 team who have worked with me throughout the difficult times. This recognition simply tells me to remain dedicated and steadfast despite the challenging times.”

Vincent  will receive a certificate, a gift, and our thanks for his valued service to the Trust and patients.

Every month we recognise and reward a staff member who has made a real difference to the Trust, our people and our patients. Nominations are welcome from all teams. 


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