2023 Community Mental Health Survey results
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published the results of a survey which looked at the experiences of people who use our community mental health services.
We are one of 53 providers of NHS community mental health services which participated in the research. In this year’s survey, we received 219 responses from adults aged 16 and over, who used the survey to tell us about the care and support they received.
The results for South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust can be downloaded from the CQC website.
Our service users reported positive experiences in the following areas:
- Support in accessing care: providing support which meets service users' needs
- Planning care: meeting with service users to review how their care is working
- Support in other areas of life: providing help and advice with finding or keeping work
- Feedback: asking service users for their views on the quality of their care
- Medication: checking how service users are getting on with their medication
The survey highlighted some areas for improvement including discussions about medication and their side effects, the support offered while waiting, and access to crisis care – which the Trust has actions in place to address.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their views with us – your feedback will make a difference. It helps us build on what we are doing well and review where we can implement improvements to our services.
You can continue to share your feedback with us by:
- Talking to our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) by calling 0203 513 6150 (Monday - Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm) or emailing pals@swlstg.nhs.uk.
- Completing our anonymous Feedback Live! Survey: feedback.swlstg.nhs.uk. The questions on the survey have been co-produced with service users, carers and staff and is a live system.