South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust has achieved its third consecutive year of improvements in the national NHS staff survey.
This year 1,930 (63%) of colleagues completed the survey and we achieved very high engagement with traditionally difficult to reach colleagues such as Forensic and Adult Inpatient teams.
Our results showed improvements in three People Promise themes – ‘We are compassionate and inclusive', We are always learning' and 'Morale'.
91% of colleagues say ‘my role makes a difference to patients’ – which is the highest mental health trust in the country!
More of us are also saying that:
We would recommend our organisation as a place to work
We would recommend our organisation as a place to receive care
There are enough staff to do our jobs
Care is our top priority and that our roles make a difference to patients
We have access to career and development opportunities
More of us also say that our organisation has opportunities for development, takes positive action on health and wellbeing, report feeling safe to report concerns, and that we’ll receive feedback on changes.
Chief Executive Vanessa Ford said:
“The results are important for so many reasons. Working together, we use the results to continuously improve as an organisation, and the way we work in our teams. We know that engaged and empowered colleagues create a positive culture which results in better patient care.’
The latest results reflect a lot of hard work across our organisation, including ACTIONS responding to previous staff survey results, such as relaunching our Trustwide ‘Treat me with kindness’ campaign, changing our annual leave policy, embedding our anti-racism commitments, enhancing the training and development available for colleagues of all professions and much more.’
‘And yet we also know that there is work to do – reports of stress and burnout are increasing, as are concerns about violence and discrimination. We also need to continue to make progress in creating fair flexible working opportunities and career progression. I am committed making progress in these areas together with our staff and patients.’