Involvement Team awarded Silver Lived Experience Charter status | Latest News

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Involvement Team awarded Silver Lived Experience Charter status

The Involvement Team collecting their Lived Experience Charter award.

We are delighted to announce that our Involvement Team has been awarded the Silver Lived Experience Charter Award for their commitment to supporting and recruiting people with lived experience.

A collaboration between Career Matters and NHS England, the Lived Experience Charter was established to support NHS providers to improve and develop their recruitment practices of people with lived experience of criminal justice and/or the care system.

The silver award demonstrates that we are an open and inclusive employer of people with lived experience and provide the necessary support and supervision to ensure their voices are head and valued in our organisation.

Commenting on the award, Amanda Cummins, Deputy Head of Coproduction and Involvement, said: “We are delighted and proud to have been recognised with this award. It shows how much we value the contributions of people with lived experience and put them at the heart of our work.

“The awarding team were most impressed by our commitment to employing people with lived experience to work in the Involvement Team and our Peer Support Services, as well as the different levels of supervision and support that are offered to the lived experience workforce, underscoring our dedication to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment.”

Congratulations to everyone involved in earning this well-deserved recognition!

Tom and Karen from the Involvement Team collecting their Silver Lived Experience Charter award.
Image caption: Tom and Karen from the Involvement Team collecting their Silver Lived Experience Charter award.


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