We share information about you for the Talking Therapies Data Set, to help achieve better outcomes and experiences of care. The data set collects information about demographics (such as postcode, date of birth, ethnic category), referral, treatment and outcomes details. The data is securely sent to NHS Digital which is the central organisation that receives the same data from all NHS-funded Talking Therapies services across England. The data set is used to produce anonymised national reports that show summary numbers of, for instance, numbers of patients referred to different Talking Therapies services across the country as well as average waiting times and outcomes. The reports help the NHS to improve the care it provides to you and other patients. No information that could reveal your identity is used in these reports. The data may be linked with other sources of data to support a wider range of information within these national reports, such as to investigate the relationship between Talking Therapies services and other care services. For more information about how NHS Digital uses Talking Therapies data including their lawful basis for processing, how long they hold it for and your rights, please see our GDPR register. To manage your choice about how your confidential patient information is used for research and planning, please visit the following website: https://www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters/. Alternatively, you can call 0300 303 5678.